I travelled to my first acoustic gathering in September 2004, a trip to Conyers, Georgia to hang out with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. That became a regular thing, and so did the UK meetings of the RMMGA newsgroup. I went to my first one of those in March 2005. Then there was Steve Kaufman’s Acoustic Kamp, Peter Finger’s Open Strings Festival, the Speakeasies in Luxembourg, Musikmesse in Germany.
At many of these events, I had my camera with me and shot photos and video. A lot of that video has unfortunately been lost in a hard drive crash, but some of it was uploaded to YouTube before the crash and so is still available.
The idea of this page is as a jumping off point to the different gatherings and festivals that I’ve been to over the years, so expect it to grow in content as I get round to adding to it. It’s a labour of love and I do it on my weekends.
Guitar really can change people’s lives. I’m a firm believer of that, because it has changed mine!
The Gatherings and Festivals

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Your Host
Cams Campbell
Cams is a guitar enthusiast living on the Isle of Arran in Scotland with his wife and two teenaged children. He has a fine collection of instruments and enjoys playing live around the island.