It was a real treat to hear Richard’s playing at HB9 in Halifax, the 9th annual gathering of the Acoustic Soundboard UK guitar forum. This was one of the first songs he wrote and he explained a bit about how he came up with it during a songwriting workshop on the Saturday afternoon. I’d love to sit down with Richard and record an interview. Two of my favourite guitars at the gathering both belonged to Richard, a Waterloo and a gorgeousFylde Falstaff in walnut. D’you know, the more Fyldes I play, the more I come to think that one would really suit me.
Check out Richard’s site here: Richard Knott Songs

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Your Host
Cams Campbell
Cams is a guitar enthusiast living on the Isle of Arran in Scotland with his wife and two teenaged children. He has a fine collection of instruments and enjoys playing live around the island.